I finished this scissor fob yesterday. It goes with the Ort Bag I finished last fall (which still needs to be put together! Anyone know a good finishing service? I've already checked with Vonna at The Twisted Stitcher and she's not taking any new customers at the moment) I could probably do it myself, but would need quite a bit of help! This is stitched on Cameo Rose Cashel linen with Kreinik and NPI silks and Kreinik metallic Vatican Gold. I'm pleased with the way it turned out!

I am starting this sampler........

from this book......

and this is how far I've gotten

This is Jasper on Christmas day with a sock monkey hat! Too cute!

And this is mom's cat, Payton, sitting in a bowl! Silly cat!

Our Christmas was rough this year - and last Wednesday would have been my sister's 48th birthday. I just hope and pray that 2012 is better!
Eskie smiles,
Jasper looks so cute.
The scissor fob is so pretty. I love the effect you get from using Kreinik and NPI threads give such a lustrous finish.
I like the design and colours of your new start. I couldn't see who the book was by. I look toward to seeing this one grow.
Sending good wishes to you for a better year.
Congrats on your first finish. Jasper is adorable. :D
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