And I haven't worked on the above because I've been working on this.

The Pinkes Sampler by Darlene O'Steen of The Needle's Prayse.

This is a fun stitch and lots of new stitches!
Allie says Hi :-)

I want some more followers so I'm going to have a giveaway in about 2 weeks. We have to get through yet another funeral, but I'll do it sometime after that. So please spread the word! One of the items I'm giving away is going to be a needlework stand! And the giveaway will be for my followers only.
Eskie smiles,
I thought I was already a follower but I found out I wasn't an "official" one. Now I am.
Great Progress and Hi Allie!
So sorry for the loss you've had.
And a hello to Allie, where would we be without our doggies.
I was already following your blog with google reader, but I'm following for real as well now :)
Well, we'll just have to get the word out for you, won't we!
Hello, I just found your blog today. I am sorry you have funerals to attend. I looked through your previous posts, you do lovely work. And you are a dog lover, HOORAY! Me too. We have two, a lhasa bichon mix and a toy poodle. imvickie@yahoo.com
Allie is such a cutie!!!! WIPs are looking great and I'm so sorry to hear about the funeral. :(
Beautiful progress on your work.
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