Monday, June 20, 2022

Long time no post

 Hi everyone!  My son moved in with me shortly after the last post and moved out, finally, in March or April.  Things have been very busy with all of us!  I bought a new place and moved on May 25.  My oldest son is moving now to their new house.  So we are all over the place!

I have not been able to read any posts on - or do anything on there!  Anyone know what's going on?  I know not too many people still blog, but I do like to read and, hopefully, will start posting again soon.

Hope everyone is well!

Happy beading, stitching, and crocheting!

Terri, Kody, and Cooper!


Robin said...

Oh boy! I can’t begin to imagine the turmoil of packing one house but three! Yikes. Although I am sure you enjoyed your son being there and probably miss him now that he is gone, I bet it is good to have your place back (or rather your new place) to yourself.

Yes, not many of us left that blog, but I plan to keep at it. I keep saying I am going to get the books printed of my blog and dedicate them to my grand babies.

I’ve noticed some quirky things with blogger and just throw my hands up. It would be nice if we were notified about changes so we didnt’ bang our heads are the wall as we were traveling in that computer loop!

butterfly said...

Never easy moving , hope you settle soon.
And yes some of us are still blogging .

gracie said...

I have noticed that some no longer blog. I like keeping mine and ope to get back to more posting....few medical issues. Nice to see your popst today.

diamondc said...

Terri: So good to see a post, I hope things slow down for you soon.


stitchinrose said...

Glad you are back. Sounds like you have been really busy. God bless you and yours.

Maggie said...

Sounds like you have been too busy to blog. I don't use Bloglovin, I read other blogs via a list in the side bar on my own blog. Might make sense of the lack of traffic on blogs if people only read by going through bloglovin.

It's a shame that so many have closed their blogs