Sunday, August 28, 2022


 This is Cooper.  He was my mom's dog, was living with my son and his family, and it wasn't working out for him there, so he is living with me and Kody now. 

He is really a sweet dog.  He really misses my mom, but seems to be adjusting well.  He has been here since just before July 4.

A few pictures from around my house


Garden tub

My bedroom

One of my flower beds.  These pictures aren't the best, but give you a little idea of where I live now. I am SO VERY happy here!  

Oh, I am home with Covid - 19.  Tested positive a few days ago, but no major symptoms.  A fever, chills, coughing, and a little sneezing.  Fever has been gone for several days, but I won't be able to go back to work until after Labor Day.  So, you may see a few posts from me in that time.  I started a new project today and want to get a picture of that and a progress picture or two on another project. 

Stay safe and thanks for stopping by!~~

Terri, Kody, and Cooper!


butterfly said...

Your new home looks lovely , so does you little dog.
Sorry about your covid .

Robin in Virginia said...

Cooper is a cutie. Hope he and Kody are getting along. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your new place. Hope you are feeling better and praying you have a full recovery from Covid.

Clare-Aimetu said...

He's lovely, as is your new home. Wishing you a speedy recovery, take care

gracie said...

Sending healing thoughts. Love Cooper and your lovely home photos.